Bread and Potato Upma Recipe

I have posted a couple of Bread Upma recipes earlier. One with onions and one without. I learnt this one from my late Mother in law who used to rustle up such quick delicious items when the children were hungry.

Ingredients :

12 slices of Bread cut into bite sized pieces

2 medium sized onions sliced

2 potatoes deskinned and cubed

9 green chillies chopped fine

2 sprigs Curry leaves

4 tbsps finely chopped coriander leaves

1/4 tsp Hing /Asafoetida

1/4 coconut grated

3 tbsps oil

2 tbsps Ghee/Clarified Butter

1 tsp Jeera /Cumin seeds

A pinch of Haldi /Turmeric powder



Add salt and Hing in a small glass of water. Mix and sprinkle it on the pieces of bread. Heat the oil and Ghee mixture in a pan. Drop in the Jeera and after it splutters, add the sliced onions, green chillies, cubed potatoes and curry leaves. Drop in a pinch of salt and roast till the onions are translucent and the potatoes are done. Add the Haldi. Toss. Drop in the bread and mix. Heat thoroughly. Garnish with grated coconut and coriander leaves. Mix thoroughly and serve hot.

Copyright © 2020 by Vinaya Prabhu. All rights reserved.

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